

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Purple wednesday

today is wednesday april 06/11....early in the mownin...like i always do...becomed an alarm to my boyfren...heheheheh....hubby luqman2x...heheh...

today also..adk azimah...dah d mukah..but she not goin to opz...coz..xberape sihaat...yelah she juz came from..umrah....hehehe...i want also lah to go over there...i mean umrah...heheh...mcm besz je..

day by day...times is jelez to us...hehehehe.....my housemate n opzmate pun nak g...jauh...she transfer..huhuh...to bintulu...but stilz in srwk..it's ok le...heheh....lotz of memo with her...hahahahhaha....word'z yg i like to dgr from her.."INSECT" JD "ENDSECT"...LOL....HEEE..anyway we stilz frenz...eventhough she far from us...MRSM MUKAH...hehehe...
tq SIS LINA....COZ JD MENTERI KEWANGAN TO US AT MRSM MUKAH....n jadi housemate maaa....